The use of an assessed asynchronous online discussion forum to help foster deep learning

Fiona Nimmo


Deep learning is often regarded as a troublesome threshold concept for many learners as they may not have had prior opportunity to engage critically with genre-specific text. This paper explores some of these challenges in the context of an accredited in-sessional EAP programme at the University of Strathclyde (UoS). The rationale for this study was to investigate the extent to which an assessed asynchronous online discussion (AOD) forum helps foster deep learning. Data was collected via an end-of-course questionnaire, an evaluative non-assessed AOD and an analysis of the students’ AOD threads, coded using Bernstein and Isaac’s (2018) components of critical thinking. Through engagement with the AOD, students noted improved higher order cognitive skills, enhanced communication and teamwork, all of which are key transferable graduate attributes and employability skills. The findings suggest that when a supportive learning environment is employed, learners not only survive, but thrive, in relation to critical, communicative and collaborative tasks.