Our new inspection copy service allows you to try out online versions of Garnet Education titles for free. Here is a quick guide to get you started:
To view an inspection copy, you are required to first register on the website. To register you will need to:
Visit the series page you are interested in, e.g. the Progressive Skills series page
Click on “view inspection copy” for the title you want to view
Log in if you are already registered with the Garnet Education site, or click on “I want to register a new account”.
Once you have registered, you will be logged into your own user dashboard. The dashboard lists the titles you have access to and the number of days you have left to view them. Access to a title expires automatically after 10 days, and we will notify you in advance.
During your access period you can view your inspection copies but logging in and clicking on the ‘My Inspection Copies’ link in the top right-hand corner.
If you have any questions regarding the inspection copies service, you can email us at marketing@garneteducation.com.