Access EAP: Frameworks – Teacher’s Book

Sue Argent, Olwyn Alexander


An integrated EAP language and skills course for upper intermediate to advanced learners.

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ISBN: 9781859645727

Upper intermediate to advanced
CEF Level: B2 to C1  IELTS Level: N/A

Product Description


Access EAP: Frameworks

Access EAP: Frameworks is nominated for the Excellence in Course Innovation award at the 2014 ELTons.Eltons 2014 Nominated Course Innovative

Written by the authors of the highly successful EAP Essentials, the second part of this two-level course teaches academic language and competence to Upper Intermediate to Advanced learners.

Access EAP: Frameworks is designed for students who are about to enter higher education studies in an English-speaking institution. The course is based on real student life and prepares students for the tasks they will face when studying in an English-medium higher education institution. The reader follows students at university as they have discussions, listen to lectures, read texts, work on assignments and make choices about how to study. The book builds language and competence across key academic themes such as academic integrity, argument and research, applying the concept of Graduate Attributes – skills, personal qualities and understanding that are developed through the higher education experience – to frame activities and tasks.

The book has ten units, each framed around a key academic theme. Within each unit, the first section introduces the theme and subsequent sections develop the associated concepts, language and competence further or in a different context. The units are free standing, but within them the language skills and study competence are integrated, reflecting the reality of academic study. Key academic words are listed by the texts in which they are presented, and regular tasks help understanding, support learning and practise using these key words. Students will learn the important language and grammar patterns needed for understanding and producing academic texts. They will also discover essential aspects of academic study, including the ability to read critically and integrate ideas from sources into essays or reports.

See accompanying Course Book.


Format: Paperback


Unit 1: Starting points
Unit 2: Looking backwards and forwards
Unit 3: Key concepts and tools
Unit 4: Resources for research
Unit 5: Speaking for yourself
Unit 6: Cultures and systems
Unit 7: Academic integrity
Unit 8: Critical reading and academic argument
Unit 9: Evidence from research
Unit 10: Entering university

Author details

Sue Argent co-authored Garnet Education’s EAP Essentials and Access EAP. She has taught EAP for a number of years in universities in Papua New Guinea and in China, as well as in the UK. She has also taught in adult and further education delivering ESOL and EAP training and supporting teachers.

She has written corpus-based EAP courses for distance learning with Olwyn Alexander and Jenifer Spencer, including specialist courses for business studies and science and technology. Her interests are critical thinking and student autonomy.

Olwyn Alexander co-authored Garnet Education’s EAP Essentials and Access EAP. She teaches English for Academic Purposes to engineering, management and translation studies students at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh. She has collaborated with colleagues Sue Argent and Jenifer Spencer in writing two distance learning courses: Academic English for Business and Academic English for Science and Technology.

Her current research interests include the use of learning teams for managing large classes and how to establish links between research and teaching in the EAP classroom.


"The Teacher’s Book is exceptionally user-friendly. Answers are clearly defined and highlighted in separate boxes. A variety of fonts and font size is used to facilitate easy access.

A variety of excellent resources, for each of the Units, are provided within the Appendices of the Teacher’s Book.

Transcripts are also provided in the same format as they appear in the Student’s Book, that is, with key academic words and phrases highlighted next to the text.

The information given in the Teacher’s Book is clearly communicated and would be beneficial to an experienced EAP teacher and novice EAP teacher alike."

- Copyright BEBC REVIEW PANEL 2014

"This book stands out among others because it uses authentic topics to demonstrate the functions of the English language points being taught while also supporting ideas that are related to academic scenarios that students often face in university."

"All in all, this is an interesting, well-thought-out EAP resource."

- Adam Freeman for IATEFL Voices, Issue 243, March / April 2015