Children Learning English: From Research to Practice

Edited by Christina Nicole Giannikas, Lou McLaughlin, Gemma Fanning and Nellie Deutsch Muller


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ISBN: 9781901095661

CEF Level: n/a  IELTS Level: n/a

Product Description

This collection of newly-commissioned articles will provide a comprehensive and up-to-date picture of children’s foreign language development from an early age to adolescence. The book presents various debated issues and unifies theoretical understanding and practical experience of language teaching and learning, expressing the reality of the language classroom from a number of aspects.

Teaching English to young learners is an ever-growing field and teaching methods, approaches, resources and techniques constantly develop. The current literature indicates that further research is needed to investigate different classroom situations and enhance the art of teaching children. Therefore, the combination of chapters in the proposed volume fills the gap of the existing literature by joining the work of researchers and practitioners. The overall goal is to improve teaching practices, research techniques and inform practitioners of language education from around the globe, which is expected to strongly enrich the field of teaching English to young learners.

The chapters of Children Learning English: From Research to Practice are a valuable reference work on children’s language learning, which combine the latest research findings and cover core topics in the field. The chapters provide a unique breadth of coverage of topics, more specifically:

  • content and language integrated learning (CLIL)
  • using stories and picture books
  • assessment
  • project-based learning
  • teacher training and professional development
  • ICT in the language classroom
  • one-to-one lessons with teenagers
  • teacher-centred vs. student-centred learning environments
  • motivation
  • teaching material
  • SEN

Format: Paperback


Author details


"I cannot recommend this volume highly enough. In this short review, I have not been able to do justice to what is covered in this thought-provoking collection of papers. There is something here for everyone, whether you are a teacher just starting out on your career in the field or someone who has been working in TEYLs for many years. Get reading!"

IATEFL Young Learners & Teenagers SIG Newsletter