ESOL Practice Grammar: Supplementary Grammar Support for ESOL Students: Entry Level 3 Study Book

David King


Essential grammar support for ESOL students.

ISBN: 9781859648971

Pre-intermediate to intermediate
CEF Level: A2 to B1  IELTS Level: 3.0 to 5.0

Product Description


ESOL Practice Grammar: Supplementary Grammar Support for ESOL Students: Entry Level 3

This book has been designed for adult students studying ESOL at schools and colleges in the United Kingdom. It is also ideal for students who are interested in learning grammar in the context of UK culture.

The material takes the key grammatical structures at Entry Level 3 from the Adult ESOL core curriculum as its basis. It also recycles aspects of the Entry Level 2 curriculum.

The rationale underlying the book is to make grammar accessible, relevant and memorable. A simple and attractive design has been used to reinforce these three aspects of the book.

Key features of the course include:

  • 26 units matching the ESOL curriculum;
  • accessible explanations;
  • attractive two-colour format;
  • graded practice activities;
  • focus on language patterns;
  • contextualized language;
  • communicative interaction and genuine language development;
  • accommodation of student differentiation;
  • for class study, self-study, or for home reference;
  • includes full answer key.

See also the lower-level version of this book: ESOL Practice Grammar: Supplementary Grammar Support for ESOL Students: Entry Levels 1-2


Format: Paperback


Unit 1: The present: present simple and continuous
Unit 2: The future: present continuous, going to, will
Unit 3: The past: past simple and continuous
Unit 4: Past situations and habits: used to
Unit 5: Present perfect 1: Have you ever …? How long have you …?
Unit 6: Present perfect 2: an unfinished timeframe
Unit 7: Present perfect 3: present perfect or past simple?
Unit 8: Sentences with if and when: zero and first conditionals
Unit 9: The verbs be and have
Unit 10: Indirect (embedded) questions
Unit 11: Simple reported statements
Unit 12: Reported questions
Unit 13: Verb forms 1: ~ing, to~ or to~?
Unit 14: Verb forms 2: some other uses of ~ing and to~ verb forms
Unit 15: Modal verbs 1: obligation and advice
Unit 16: Modal verbs 2: future possibility and requests
Unit 17: Relative pronouns 1: subject pronouns – who / which / that / whose
Unit 18: Relative pronouns 2: when who / that / which / where is not necessary
Unit 19: Linking words: and, also, but, or, so, because, as, although
Unit 20: The definite article: the
Unit 21: Adjectives 1: comparatives and superlatives
Unit 22: Adjectives 2: less, a lot / a bit, (not) as ~ as, too ~, ~ enough
Unit 23: Quantity: some, any, much, many, a lot (of), a few, a little, all, most
Unit 24: Prepositions of time
Unit 25: Prepositions: after adjectives and verbs; prepositional phrases
Unit 26: Phrasal verbs
Grammar notes
Answer key

Author details

David King holds an MA (TEFL) from Reading University. After teaching in the West Indies and in Spain, David spent several years with the Eurocentre Organisation in the UK as teacher, trainer and Director of Studies. Since 2000, he has worked as a freelance trainer, editor and author of ELT/ESOL materials.

For Garnet Education, he has written ESOL Practice Grammar Entry Level 3 (2007) and ESOL Practice Grammar Entry Levels 1-2 (2009). In addition, he has authored and edited a wide range of print and multi-media language learning materials for a number of other publishers. He works part-time as an ESOL teacher and trainer for Central Sussex College, Crawley.


"Incredibly useful - hands on, quick to pick up and work through."

- Gloucestershire College of Arts & Technology

"The example contexts apply nicely to my ESOL learners' experience."

- Lorraine Collett, Community English School, Oxford